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INSULATIONKOREA “DREAM FOUNDATION”– 2024 Student Scholarship Recommendation request


– 2024 Student Scholarship Recommendation request

In 2024, Insulation Korea is planning to award scholarship to students of overseas country where Insulation Korea signed partnership.

In this regard, we cordially request your Embassy to recommend qualified students studying in Korea, who can fulfill the below requirements.

♣ Guidelines for a Scholarship and Award Ceremony

1.     Requirements :

1)     Middle school, High school, University students in Korea

(Only to master’s degree. Except for Ph.D)

2)     Honor Roll students or low-income group

3)     The students who living in Korea

Students from Japan/China/USA/England/Taiwan/Thailand/Malaysia/Netherland/Italy etc.

2.     Documents to be submitted :

Self-introduction letter, Recommendation/reference letter (Ambassador, Professor, Teacher, Social Organization Director, Service Organization Director or other recommendations for those who meet the qualification), Transcript, Copy of an admission letter(apply only to new entrees to University in 2023), possible to directly contact number(ex. Mobile phone number) etc.

           Detail and Form download :

3.      No. of Beneficiary & Scholarship : 1 students, KRW 1,000,000 / person

4.     Deadline for application : 5pm, Feb.5th.2024

5.     Selection announcement : On Feb. 21th, 2024 - website of Insulation Korea “Dream foundation” (website : and individual notification

6.     Award Ceremony : Feb. 23th.2024 AM 11:30 (lunch included ~ 14:00 pm)

Place of the Ceremony : JW Marriott Hotel in Seoul

7.     Reception : Insulation Korea – Management Team

            Team Manager – Ms. Cecilia Hur ( /

Tel : 02-535-1437(ext.698)

Please feel free to contact the above, if you have any questions.

Thank you.

Dr. Kenny Seung, CEO of insulation Korea

About Insulation Korea (website :

Established in 1927, Insulation Korea manufactures products in high temperature insulation industries such as industrial furnaces, smelting furnaces, hot-mill stove, heat treatment furnaces, reheating furnaces, forge furnaces, cement kilns, glass melting furnaces, petrochemical heaters, NCC furnaces in plants.

We are producing Fireproofing, nonflammable interior materials used in plants and architectural work, to save energy and improve production efficiency, proving you the Energy Saving solutions.

As a front runner in insulating field, we, Insulation Korea, has partnership with global companies providing you total solutions in engineering, design, construction and etc.

Insulation Korea is in business with some of the global companies such as, Siam(Thailand), Gouda(Nederland), Iris(France), JIC(Japan), ECORP(Malaysia), IFTI(Taiwan),  Insulcon(Nederland), Skamol(Denmark), Hotwork(USA), SCG Chemical(Thailand), Rookwool(Denmark), Unifrax(USA), Refractory Anchors Inc. (USA), Thermbond(USA), Stellar Materials(USA), International Fireproof Technology Inc. (USA) and etc. With their abundant experiences and track-records, we are providing Energy Saving Systems through the enhancement of insulation and fireproofing technology, offering total guarantee of excellent workmanship and flawless construction.

Always practicing the sharing, Mr. Kenny Seung, CEO of Insulation Korea, has established the “Dream Foundation” in 2012 to support students in various ways, such as scholarship and becoming their mentors and we are preparing scholarship every year.

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